Founded in June 2015 after intentional engagement between campus advocacy and prevention professionals, the Campus Advocacy & Prevention Professionals Association (CAPPA) is committed to providing a national platform for critical engagement, dialogue, solidarity, and evidence-based strategies to reduce violence and support survivors. As we believe in the dynamic nature of our work, we will regularly evaluate our efforts to reflect member feedback as we grow, and develop.

Campus Prevention Educators and Advocates Form New National Organization

Organization Aims to Lend Expertise to National Efforts to

Address Interpersonal Violence on Campus  

A group of prevention educators and campus advocates have come together to form a new national organization, the Campus Advocacy and Prevention Professionals Association (CAPPA). CAPPA was created by and for campus-based professionals who work to educate their campuses and colleagues about interpersonal/gender-based violence in all its forms and advocate for and support students who have been affected by dating/domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking. It is a new space for support and solidarity for the unique work of professionals in this evolving field. 

The group’s 17-member founding leadership council hopes to elevate the national dialogue and to provide expertise on interpersonal violence prevention and response on college and university campuses.  CAPPA will provide a hub for discussions of best practices, challenges, and opportunities to further professionalize the field. Members will have access to a members-only listserv, private Facebook group, and evolving opportunities related to membership, networking, training, legislative advocacy, research and practice, professional standards, and communications.


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